
Visitor Management System Facial Recognition

What is facial recognition?

Facial recognition is a way of recognising or authorising an individual’s identity using their facial features. Facial recognition systems can be used to identify people in photos, videos, or in real-time.

Benefits of implementing visitor management with facial recognition

1. Increased security

A face recognition visitors management system (FRVMS) is proposed to improve an organisation’s security and prevent visitors from entering the building illegally.

Facial recognition software allows organisations to identify and track all types of visitors easily. Therefore, security teams can monitor and develop strategies to increase their focus on other areas of security procedures whilst the visitor management system accommodates validating and verifying visitors, contractors and guests.

2. Improved efficiency

Remove the labour-intensive process of a receptionist manually checking visitor identification documents, allowing them to be productive elsewhere.

3. A great first impression

Create a great first impression with a smooth, secure, simple check-in process that doesn’t require them to be waiting around in a busy reception area.

4. Elements of the best visitor management system

Academic research pointed out that the best visitor management system should have the ability to accurately and quickly capture visitors’ images, authenticate visitors’ IDs, and create visitor badges with their details.


Vgreet visitor management system with facial recognition

Many organisations have improved their building’s security via facial recognition technology. Visitor management systems with facial recognition use the visitors’ pre-uploaded photos in the pre-registration process.

The facial recognition technology (FRT) photo capture function for unscheduled visitors enables a more straightforward sign-in process. For returning visitors or staff, visitor management facial recognition technology automatically identifies them from other locations.

A visitor management system with facial recognition technology and access control is beneficial for building safety. It controls visitor access when the system recognises unwanted or failed visitor checks.

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